Sunday, January 31, 2010


Don't you hate it when you have a huge project for class, and you feel like you'll never get it done. I know I do. For the book choice I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities, it’s kind of confusing. My moms helping me with it so that I understand it more. Most of my projects for classes have been really easy, even for honors English.

I have done a power point for English 9, a power point for Computer Technology, a power point for Geography, and read a book and took an A.R. test for Earth Science for first and second term. This term for Honors English I think it's going to be a lot harder than last term. In Earth Systems which is my science class I'm going to do a power point for this term.

In Orchestra we had to play solos for first and second term. In Orchestra I'm going to have to play in a Trio for an Ensemble, because our fourth person has never showed up. I also have to do a 3rd tern solo for Orchestra. We'll be playing at a festival and have to sight read. The festival is kind of like a concert, except were competing against different school's. This will be my first year playing at the festival, and I'm really excited. For the Festival the boys have to wear a black suit, white or black shirt, a black tie or bow tie, black socks, and black shoes. The girls that play a bass or cello have to wear a black or white shirt, black slacks, black socks, and black socks. If you play a viola or violin which I do, you have to wear either a black dress, or black or white shirt, with black skirt, black tights with both of them, and black shoes with both of them. Every week we have to practice two hours and thirty minutes. At the end of each term we have a minimum of twenty hours and thirty minutes, sometimes more, it depends on how many weeks there are in that term. I first started playing violin in sixth grade. I really wanted to play a bass or cello, but my mom wouldn't let me because they were so expensive. So she said I could either play the viola or violin, and of course I picked the violin. I wouldn't mind either becoming an Orchestra teacher or being able to play in the Symphony. I'd rather play in the Symphony though. It's actually pretty hard to learn how to play the violin believe it or not. You have to learn how to tune your instrument, how to play your instrument, how to read the music, how to tell what key you’re in, how to tell what's high and low, how to tell the difference between sharp and natural, how to play sharp and natural, how to hold your bow, and how to play with your bow. There's more than that but I think you get the idea. I like having a shoulder rest though because without it I wouldn't be able to play for an hour or more straight through.


Don't you hate it when you have a huge project for class, and you feel like you'll never get it done. I know I do. For the book choice I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities, its kind of confusing. My moms helping me with it so that I understand it more. Most of my projects for classes have been really easy, even for honors english.

I have done a powerpoint for English 9, a powerpoint for Computer Technology, a powerpoint for Geography, read a book and took an A.R. test for Earth Science for first and 2nd term, and played Orchestra solos for 1st and 2nd term.

This term for Honors English I think it's going to be a lot harder than last term. In Earth Systems which is my science class I'm going to do a powerpoint for this term. In Orchestra I'm going to have to play in a Trio for an Ensamble, because our fourth person has never showed up. I also have to do a 3rd tern solo for Orchestra. We'll be playing at a festival and have to sight read. The festival is kind of like a concert, except were competing against different school's. This will be my first year playing at the festival, and I'm really excited.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Book of Vampires Continued

Ch. 4 Convincing Meeting
I talked with my vampire friends for a while, and we finally came up with a plan. The plan is that I will go back to school, and my regular routine. Then I will convince our human friends that our other friends hadn't ever died.

Once our human friends believed me I brought them all to an empty warehouse the following week. Where really my vampire friends and I will change our human friends into vampires, so that we can defeat our enemy's all together as a huge group of friends.

Ch. 5 Friends
Our human friends unsure of the old friends change, quickly. They said, "we believe our other friends havn't died." When everyone started talking and feeling good India quizzically asked "Why is this meeting in an abandoned warehouse instead of somewhere else?"

Ch. 6 Friends Changing
"It's time for you guys to change!", I yelled. We charged at our human friends, sucked their blood, mixed our blood with theirs, laid them down, and then went to sleep. Unlike other stories we are able to sleep, we arn't afraid of onions, crosses, garlic, or even light.

The next day everyone awoke, and we all shouted out "Crystal, Alyssa, Amanda, Ashlee, Brittany, Carilee, Dianna, India, Kady, Kassie, Page and Skyler are all THE BEST VAMPIRES IN THE WORLD!

We all went to our houses and ate. Then we met up at the warehouse, went to the gym to get into shape, ate a big dinner, and went to the warehouse to sleep. Our plan was to go to school tomorrow, do our homework, then challenge our enemies to a fight where we'd kill them!

Ch. 7 Destruction of Our Enemy's
We got into a huge fight in the warehouse with Brolan, Courtney, Dakota, Emily, Jessica S., Jessica W., and Seanna.

Before we faced them we had shouted out our new theme. We all started fighting, and won! We decided that we would let our enemy's live, and die when it's their time to. After that we shouted "Crystal, Alyssa, Amanda, Amy, Ashlee, Brittany, Carilee, Dianna, India, Kady, Kassie, Page and Skyler are "THE BEST VAMPIRES IN THE WORLD, WE ARE IMMORTAL, AND THE ONLY ONES!


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Book Of Vampires

Table Of Contents
Chapters Names

Sneak Peak Sneak Peak

One Superstitions

Two Inspecting

Three Death Change

Four Convincing Meeting

Five Friends

Six Friends Changing

Seven Destruction of Our Enemies

Sneak Peek
I didn't realize that I stood crouched in front of a train until vampires surrounded me, and i had been stricken by the train. When I woke up realizing I had changed into a vampire. I had survived because of the change.

Ch. 1 Superstitions
My name's Crystal Leigh Worthington, and I've been scared to death that our Scary Club will be taken over by vampires. I'm getting a little ahead of myself. In the Scary Club we mostly read, talk about ghosts, and superstitious stuff. Our Scary Club is a group of kids that find that stuff interesting, and awesome to do. We believe in vampires because our friend Amy had a close encounter with one.

A month after the incident she lay in the hospital receivin a blood transfusion, and getting her cast taken off. Because she had stepped on a nail, fell down the stairs, lost lots of blood, and broke her leg. While she was at the hopital a vampire visited her, and here's what happened. The vampire quietly whispered "I will get you to become a vampire someday, as soon as I can." But now he's coming after me instead.

I ran to school, and noticed the vampire dead on the railroad tracks. I recognized him from the picture that Amy showed me the day before. I tried to figure out how the person died, but I decided to talk about the incident with the group first.

Ch. 2 Inspecting
After homework, I decided to hold a meeting the following week. It would be about what I'd seen. Alyssa, Amy, Brittany, India, Page, and Skyler showed up.

After I told them about the incident, I asked them what they thought it meant. In the end we all agreed that good vampires are searching to kill all the evil vampires. We also talked about the strange abductions of our friends Ashlee, Amanda, Carilee, Dianna, Kady and Kassie.

After coming home from a meeting, holding a note covered in blood they read it out loud. What stuck out in my mind the most was the sketched writing, "kill the evil vampires!" The vampires created an army, because they needed to destroy the evil vampires. They left notes in their victim's hands, to warn the human population that a vampire war is coming. So one month later after our strange meeting they decided I would go out, and inspect the latest death spot. The only problem was that I didn't know I had decided to walk straight to my death, and into my new life.

Ch. 3 Death Change
I stood on the train tracks, and found that the dead vampire had left a handbook all about vampires, and their mystifying secrets, titled The Book of Vampires. I began reading but I decided to put it in my coat pocket instead, and to read it at our next meeting.

I hadn't realized I stood crouched in front of a train until vampires surrounded me, and I'd been stricken by the train. when I woke up, realizing I had turned into a vampire. I'd survived because of the change.

The vampires Ashlee, Amanda, Carilee, Dianna, Kady and Kassie stood right in front of me. The sadly and urgently interrupted "we desperately need a vampire leader, to get the rest of our friends to become an excellent team of vampires. We want to defeat our enemies Brolan, Cortney, Dominik, Elijah, Jessica S., Jessica W. and Seanna." We knew that our only chance of beating them, would be to suck our friends blood , and mix it with ours, but we aren't sure how to.
TO BE CONTINUED.................

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Haunted Ship Of Captain Jack

Chapter Three:
Tommy was glad that he was made Captain by Jack, but he felt bad that he had to turn his back on Babmayus, and because Babmayus was made a prisoner now. The enemy bombed the ship that was along the side of Captain Tommy's ship. They were all crammed onto one boat. One hundred men died that night fighting with Captain Jack. Everyone on the ship except for Babmayus and his helpers cried, and grieved for Captain Jack all night long. No one killed Babmayus, but after a week he complained about Captain Jack always haunting his dreams. Everyone yelled and said "that's what you get for lying, murdering, and everyone still letting you live on Captain Jack's orders!" Tommy told Babmayus "Well you're lucky because if you had killed me, I would tell the crew to exterminate you before they got home!" But Babmayus knew that Tommy would truly never do such a thing unless he was forced to, or he would be killed. And he couldn't stop the person from forcing him to, unless he wanted to die. Tommy was really sad about the death of the Captain, but he swore "With the map I will find the treasure, and leave Babmayus and his helpers to perish for their mistakes and wrong choices."

Babmayus overheard what Tommy had said, and he decided to come up with another plan. Babmayus's plan was to: 1. Kill Tommy. 2. Keep the treasure and the ship for himself. 3. Leave the crew on the island to die. The problem was that Tommy is the Captain now, and he told the crew to: "1. Tie Babmayus to a hammock tight enough so that Babmayus can't escape. 2. Put Babmayus's helpers into the dungeon." Days and days went by, and the whole time Babmayus's helpers were always in the dungeon. And Babmayus was always tied to the hammock tight enough that he could never escape.

Chapter Four:
All the crew did their regular routines, and they took turns feeding the prisoners. Sooner or later everyone on the ship ran out of supplies, but Captain Jack always provided everyone with food and fresh water. Tommy kept his promise, and he said, "he would rather die than not keep my promise to Captain Jack." Months went by and Babmayus's helpers begged to get let out, but no one would let them out. Although Babmayus was always full of hate that he never felt bad for killing Captain Jack.

Chapter Five:
After the fifth month of being lost at sea Captain Tommy finally was able to land his ship on the island called "Treasure Island." Everyone loaded off the ship, after anchoring it. The prisoners were left on the ship for 12 hours. After under 10 hours, Captain Tommy and his crew ate then went to sleep. When they awoke, they gathered fifty treasure chests in all, and made it back to the ship. They let the prisoners out, and left them on the island to perish. Captain Jack never left the ship of ghosts alone, and haunted it the rest of his ghost life. And everyone else lived happily, with plenty of stories to tell to their families and friends.

The Haunted Ship Of Captain Jack

Chapter One:
Once upon a time there was a Captain named Jack; he was trying to lead his crew to an important treasure that would make he and his mates really rich. However, he didn't know Babmayus his old friend was planning to kill him! Babmayus had accidentally told Tommy that his plan was 1. "Swith the place of Jack's self detruct C.C. [Captain's Cabin] button. 2. Blow up Jack's cabin after telling him to move, but don't give him time to. 3. After Jack is dead, lead the crew to the island as Captain, with the map. 4. When on the island, hide from the crew with the map, and go to the treasur. 5. Take the treasure to the ship, and hide it from the crew with the map inside the treasure chest. 6. When everyone's off the ship and at home, get out the treasure. 7. And go home with it so I'll be rich."

Tommy asked Babmayus, "why would you want to kill Jack? You could just make a deal with him, or get it by taking it and hiding it before anyone gets to the cave on the island. Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that." "Why not?" said Babmayus. "Because Jack isn't sure he should trust you, but don't tell him I told you that," said Tommy. "Captain Jack thought that you would do something terrible if you got the treasure all for yourself, became captain after him, but he won't let you get enough power to do anything troublesome." said Tommy. "I don't believe you, and I know that I am the one that is most trusted out of everyone on this ship." said Babmayus.

"I already know that Babmayus is out to get me, because he told me that he had a bad dream about killing me, but I know that he's lying." Jack said. Rumors spread around the ship like wildfire, getting fed gasoline all day long. The rumors were that Babmayus and Tommy had a plan to kill the Captain, and to keep the treasure all to themselves! Babmayus and Tommy were furious! Babmayus yelled to everyone, "I came up with an evil plan, not Tommy, and I would never team up with Tommy no matter what!" Tommy said "I would rather die than team up with Babmayus!" Suddenly everyone on the ship split into two groups. One group was with Tommy, and the other one was with Babmayus. Everyone on the ship swore "that if Babmayus really plans to kill the Captain, they wouldn't help him no matter what!" Three weeks went by, and finally all the rumors died away, just as quickly as they had started.

Chapter Two:
A week later, on a dark and stormy night, everyone was worried because they knew that they would all have to work together to avoid an attack from another ship. Nothing happened for two weeks, but no one except Babmayus knew that he had half a ship full of people ready to kill Jack! When the other ship of people found oud what Babmayus's plan was, no one would help Babmayus, because they couldn't possibly murder someone. Babmayus saw a whole ship full of people, named The Pirate That Rule The World! When they were aboard the ship, Captain Jack yelled, "everyone who wants to protect me, get around me now!" Half of everyone on the ship made a circle around him, but the other half attacked their enemies. Suddenly, Babmayus shouted, "Jack and mates, watch out! Were going to blow the C.C. to destroy our enemy!" But it was too late. Jack hadn't moved in time, and Babmayus pushed the button to blow up the C.C.! As Captain Jack flew to the other side of the ship, he shouted, "you will pay for this Babmayus!"

Jack landed next to Tommy, and he madly said "Tommy bring our crew to the treasure, and I'll take care of Babmayus and his helpers!" Suddenly everyone on the ship started yelling "Fight, Fight, Fight!" Babmayus and Tommy started sword fighting. Tommy trapped Babmayus in the corner and wounded him badly and then left.