Saturday, April 10, 2010

Over Spring Break

Over Spring Break I’ve done many things. Most of them being homework. At least I’ll have less later on, right. Last Saturday and Sunday I pretty much relaxed most of the time. On Monday I started doing my power point for Geography, titled East Asia Tour. I’ve been working on it the whole week. I only have 2 more slides left. One for information about Taiwan, and one for the picture of whatever it is.

We were assigned a ten day tour for East Asia. Our directions were: “Plan a tour that includes stops in at least three countries in East Asia. The tour should last ten days. It must reflect the geography, history, and culture of East Asia. Use the link on the web site to compile the following information:

1. A restaurant to eat at each day (no American restaurants- must reflect the food of the visiting country) Pictures are great or even a menu.
2. Activities for each day, must last for 8-10 hours. You may need multiple place or activities for one day. Pictures of place or activity.
3. Write a informative paragraph about each place or activity that relates it to the geography, history and culture of the place or activity.

After, planning your tour, make a Power Point Presentation that is 5-7 minutes long of your virtual tour to show the class. Your power point must include visuals and written descriptions that are specific, detailed, and reflect the geography, history, and culture of the Country.
Save Power Point in: (u) Drive, common folder, Bytendorp Presentations, Asia Trips.”

This week I also have to do epitaphs for my English class. My moms going to help me, with the parts that I don’t get. I’m not sure how I should write it, and it also has to have some poetic elements that I’m not used to using. This week I practiced my violin for an hour, and have to practice it for an hour and a half more. Over all I’ve had a pretty good Spring Break. I’ve roller bladed around the big and small block with a friend of mine and my sister. I have to study for Geometry because I have a quiz and test on 11.1-11.7. I hope I do really well.

This weekend we watched Stepfather, it was pretty good. I got bored after a little while though. It was supposed to be a scary movie, but I don’t think it was scary at all. I only jumped because the cat jumped out, and at that part it looked like it was 3D. I’m sick of doing homework, because all I’ve practically done this whole week is homework. At least it will be off my shoulders. I’ll be very glad when I’m done with all of my homework. I am and am not looking forward to school because I want to see my friends, but I don’t want a whole bunch of homework again. I’m also excited for school so that I can hang out with my friends.

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