Saturday, April 17, 2010

This Friday I went to a birthday party at a friends, and I got to sleep over. The people that were there are: Amy, Gracie, Shaley, Kassie, Victoria, Jeremy, Brianna, Alison, Kyle, Conner, one other girl that I can't remember the name of, and I. The people that were also there were: Brittany, Lilly, their mom and dad, Melody, Ben, James, and some other girl in Brittany's family. Only Amy, Shaley, Kyle, and I slept over. I was the last to leave in the morning.

It was lots of fun. Amy, Gracie, Victoria, the other girl, and Alison played a card game of Monopoly, and a card game of Spoons. I didn't play cards because I was playing Guitar Hero with Brianna on the Wii. It was lots of fun. We went on a hike near Brittany's house, and then went back to her house. Later on Brittany opened presents, and then we ate cake and ice cream. Later on when every one was roasting marshmallows I was playing Guitar Hero again. As I got bored I went outside and joined every one that was still there. Amy and I wandered off, and then I left her alone, because she asked me if I would leave her alone for a little while. As I was leaving I ended up getting these stickers from bushes all over my clothes, and that's when I went inside to change in to my pajamas. Later on some time Jeremy, Alison, Brianna, Gracie, Victoria, Kassie, Cortney, the other girl, and Conner left.

Way later on Amy, Ben, Brittany, Kyle, Lilly, Shaley, and I snuck out to the grave yard at around twelve thirty or so in the morning. Each time a car came we ducked into the grass, and luckily didn't get caught by any cops. After the grave yard, we got drinks. I shared a Sun Kist with Lilly, Shaley and Amy shared another Sun Kist, and Brittany and Ben shared a Mountain Dew. After the sodas we went back through the grave yard, and then went to the park. Then we left through a back way which leads to behind any houses. We eventually got back to Brittany's house with out getting caught luckily. I was so glad we didn't get caught by any cops because if we had and we went to every parent’s house I would most likely be grounded for a month or maybe a little less. I also didn't want anything to go on my police record.

When we got back to Brittany's the others noticed that I had cuts on my right leg. It hurt really badly. I went into the bathroom and cleaned my legs really good, and the cuts also. Because both my legs had some dirt on them, but only my right leg had cuts on it. Then Brittany wrapped my leg the best she could with toilet paper, and my leg felt a lot better. I also cleaned my shoes because they were a little bit dirty. In the morning only one of the tissues was still on all the way. The toilet paper around my leg helped it feel better though.

Later on in the morning Amy, Shaley, and Kyle left. I was the last one left. I started playing Monkey Ball on the Wii with James. Then he had to quit because he had to take a shower, and get ready, because evidently they all had something to go to. Then Brittany took James’s place in Monkey Ball. We played lots of games, and they were all really fun. Then later I called my mom to see if she could pick me up as soon as possible, because their family had to all go some where. My mom said some one would be there in about ten minutes to pick me up. So I went downstairs and changed. I also got all of my stuff together, so that I would be ready when my step dad or mom came to get me. I also picked out all the stickers out of my clothes. Then I put my stuff in my step dad’s car, and then I had to go back inside to look for my MP3 player. Then I went back outside after saying good bye to every one, and left home with my step dad.

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