Saturday, April 3, 2010

Risk Taking

Last weekend I watched Alice In Wonderland in 3D! It was awesome! It had some similarities to the original movie of Alice In Wonderland, but most of it was different. Over Spring Break I have to read Walk Two Moons, and then write a review, but luckily the review doesn’t have to be done until May 21st. Over Spring Break I also have to think up my steps to my epitaph, and write a rough draft of it, due when I get back to school. By the way an epitaph is the story of a dead person, how they lived, and how they died. It’s in poem format. It also has poetic elements. I also have to do a power point on a ten day tour of East Asia. The places can be China, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, or Taiwan. For each day you have to eat at a restaurant, and do things that last at least 8-10 hours. If you do twelve days for the East Asia tour, then it will be extra credit, unless you do a really crappy job on it.

Do you know anyone that’s a risk taker? I do, because I am one. I know mostly everyone that first meets me doesn’t think that I’m a risk taker, but once you get to know me you find out I really am a risk taker. I also have a very strong personality. If you still don’t believe me about me being a risk taker. I know many people have done a few of these things, but not all of the stuff that I’ve done many have actually done. Here’s some examples: 1. I jumped off my roof with my sister’s one at a time onto our trampoline, and almost broke my neck. 2. I went into our attack, it was super hot, but luckily none of the floor ended up falling in. 3. There were two ramps together, and the other kids weren’t jumping very high. I went off the ramp, really high. I did a somersault in the air off of my bike, and grazed my arms, knees, and elbows. I bled really badly from my knees, and I also grazed my hands really badly. I hurt my arm really badly, and almost broke it. I couldn’t use my arm for a few days, but by the time school started I was able to use my arm perfectly fine. 4. Some friends and I snuck over to the elementary school, during lunch. We almost got caught by Mrs. Rutledge, but luckily we didn’t. We went into the seminary building, and then left it into our school when the kids in a class in seminary left. I’ve done more risky things than that, but there to bad that if I told anyone, there’d be rumors going around like crazy.

If anyone sees this blog and is a risk taker themselves, then could you please e-mail me at! Especially if you have any funny e-mails, because I haven’t been getting any lately.

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