Sunday, January 17, 2010

Book Of Vampires

Table Of Contents
Chapters Names

Sneak Peak Sneak Peak

One Superstitions

Two Inspecting

Three Death Change

Four Convincing Meeting

Five Friends

Six Friends Changing

Seven Destruction of Our Enemies

Sneak Peek
I didn't realize that I stood crouched in front of a train until vampires surrounded me, and i had been stricken by the train. When I woke up realizing I had changed into a vampire. I had survived because of the change.

Ch. 1 Superstitions
My name's Crystal Leigh Worthington, and I've been scared to death that our Scary Club will be taken over by vampires. I'm getting a little ahead of myself. In the Scary Club we mostly read, talk about ghosts, and superstitious stuff. Our Scary Club is a group of kids that find that stuff interesting, and awesome to do. We believe in vampires because our friend Amy had a close encounter with one.

A month after the incident she lay in the hospital receivin a blood transfusion, and getting her cast taken off. Because she had stepped on a nail, fell down the stairs, lost lots of blood, and broke her leg. While she was at the hopital a vampire visited her, and here's what happened. The vampire quietly whispered "I will get you to become a vampire someday, as soon as I can." But now he's coming after me instead.

I ran to school, and noticed the vampire dead on the railroad tracks. I recognized him from the picture that Amy showed me the day before. I tried to figure out how the person died, but I decided to talk about the incident with the group first.

Ch. 2 Inspecting
After homework, I decided to hold a meeting the following week. It would be about what I'd seen. Alyssa, Amy, Brittany, India, Page, and Skyler showed up.

After I told them about the incident, I asked them what they thought it meant. In the end we all agreed that good vampires are searching to kill all the evil vampires. We also talked about the strange abductions of our friends Ashlee, Amanda, Carilee, Dianna, Kady and Kassie.

After coming home from a meeting, holding a note covered in blood they read it out loud. What stuck out in my mind the most was the sketched writing, "kill the evil vampires!" The vampires created an army, because they needed to destroy the evil vampires. They left notes in their victim's hands, to warn the human population that a vampire war is coming. So one month later after our strange meeting they decided I would go out, and inspect the latest death spot. The only problem was that I didn't know I had decided to walk straight to my death, and into my new life.

Ch. 3 Death Change
I stood on the train tracks, and found that the dead vampire had left a handbook all about vampires, and their mystifying secrets, titled The Book of Vampires. I began reading but I decided to put it in my coat pocket instead, and to read it at our next meeting.

I hadn't realized I stood crouched in front of a train until vampires surrounded me, and I'd been stricken by the train. when I woke up, realizing I had turned into a vampire. I'd survived because of the change.

The vampires Ashlee, Amanda, Carilee, Dianna, Kady and Kassie stood right in front of me. The sadly and urgently interrupted "we desperately need a vampire leader, to get the rest of our friends to become an excellent team of vampires. We want to defeat our enemies Brolan, Cortney, Dominik, Elijah, Jessica S., Jessica W. and Seanna." We knew that our only chance of beating them, would be to suck our friends blood , and mix it with ours, but we aren't sure how to.
TO BE CONTINUED.................

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