Sunday, January 31, 2010


Don't you hate it when you have a huge project for class, and you feel like you'll never get it done. I know I do. For the book choice I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities, it’s kind of confusing. My moms helping me with it so that I understand it more. Most of my projects for classes have been really easy, even for honors English.

I have done a power point for English 9, a power point for Computer Technology, a power point for Geography, and read a book and took an A.R. test for Earth Science for first and second term. This term for Honors English I think it's going to be a lot harder than last term. In Earth Systems which is my science class I'm going to do a power point for this term.

In Orchestra we had to play solos for first and second term. In Orchestra I'm going to have to play in a Trio for an Ensemble, because our fourth person has never showed up. I also have to do a 3rd tern solo for Orchestra. We'll be playing at a festival and have to sight read. The festival is kind of like a concert, except were competing against different school's. This will be my first year playing at the festival, and I'm really excited. For the Festival the boys have to wear a black suit, white or black shirt, a black tie or bow tie, black socks, and black shoes. The girls that play a bass or cello have to wear a black or white shirt, black slacks, black socks, and black socks. If you play a viola or violin which I do, you have to wear either a black dress, or black or white shirt, with black skirt, black tights with both of them, and black shoes with both of them. Every week we have to practice two hours and thirty minutes. At the end of each term we have a minimum of twenty hours and thirty minutes, sometimes more, it depends on how many weeks there are in that term. I first started playing violin in sixth grade. I really wanted to play a bass or cello, but my mom wouldn't let me because they were so expensive. So she said I could either play the viola or violin, and of course I picked the violin. I wouldn't mind either becoming an Orchestra teacher or being able to play in the Symphony. I'd rather play in the Symphony though. It's actually pretty hard to learn how to play the violin believe it or not. You have to learn how to tune your instrument, how to play your instrument, how to read the music, how to tell what key you’re in, how to tell what's high and low, how to tell the difference between sharp and natural, how to play sharp and natural, how to hold your bow, and how to play with your bow. There's more than that but I think you get the idea. I like having a shoulder rest though because without it I wouldn't be able to play for an hour or more straight through.

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