Monday, October 12, 2009

Goblin Valley

Hi It's Kaly again,

I forgot to do a post for last week so I figured I might as well do a post about one of my family trips.

Well we were all packed and ready to leave for Goblin Valley on Thursday, because we didn't have school that Thursday or Friday.We had to get up really early in the morning, but of course I couldn't fall back asleep. Because once I wake up for some reason I can't fall back asleep as long as I'm awake enough.

On Friday we got all seven of us in the truck, and left to the gas station to fill uop our water bottles. Only we had forgotten our refrigerated food, and the jack for our trailer. So it was good that we went back to get that stuff. Because if we didn't we wouldnt have any food to eat because we wouldn't be able to get it out of the trailer, because we left the jack at home that goes to the trailer. And then we would've been really screwed.

We had lot's of fun hiking. We hiked Ding and Dang. It was an 8 mile hike all around. First we hiked Ding, the Ding Dang Dome, and then Dang. It was really fun. There was a lot of shimmying that we had to do. I'll have to post the pictures some other time. On Dang my mom went through water that went clear up to her knees, while the rest of us had our legs on one wall, and our arms on another, shimmying across, so that we wouldn't have to cross the water. We are doing hard hikes like that to get ready for the Subway, which is in Zion's National Park. We also did Muddy creek. We had to do shimmying in that one to. My sisters, and I all went through this really narrow thing in the rock, and none of us got stuck. It's a good thing my mom didn't try, no offense against her, it's just that she would've gotten stuck for sure. We only did four miles of Muddy Creek, but we could've done thirteen miles if we had wanted to.

There were lot's of stickers where we camped, so it took us a while to try to clear out some of the stickers around the trailers and trucks tires. When we finally got that done we had already also gotten a lot of the trailer done. The thing that I hate most about doing the trailer is having to do the beds, because of the bars, and sometimes it takes a long time, but other times it doesn't. I also don't like getting the trailer ready for us to use it, or having to pack it up again. Because it becomes a really big pain after awhile.

Around our campsite we had a lot of really cool places that we could hide, and climb on. It was really fun to play on them. Some of the rocks were shaped like faces, and my step dad said that it's said to be where Indians buried there treasure. He scared me and my sister when we were climbing on these rocks, because he came around a bend and started making weird noises. So I'm sure you'll understand why I got scared.

From, Kalyandra Leigh Worthington

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